update the Refrigeration
Servicing Enterprise
technicians regarding
the project progress,
achievements and new
offers, information is
regularly published on
the NCCoPP website and
also in printed format.
Updates on the schedule and the
venue of training
programmes’ including
packages proposed under
the Equipment
Support Scheme are highlighted.
quarterly newsletter
by IT
Power India on
behalf of UNEP,
is distributed . Eco-Cool is
also available in pdf
format and can be
downloaded from the
At training programmes, handouts are
given out to technicians
as a reference document
to remind them of the important
issues covered in the two-day
Different kinds of media
have been employed to reach
out to the widest possible
audience. The World in
Our Hands is a video film, prepared
specially for NCCoPP, to
disseminate information about
the importance of CFC phase-out
and the crucial role played
by technicians. The film
also reiterates that everybody
has a stake in ensuring CFC
phase-out through its presentation
of the affects of ozone depletion.
The video will be screened
at public and private meetings
to recruit technicians for
training programmes and to
generate awareness among
the general public regarding
NCCoPP’s goals.
A big
Poster, “Train
for a Better Future” promoting
best servicing practices
has been circulated among
more than 3000 dealers
The poster includes a
2005 calendar and many
dealers have put up the
poster in a visible place
in their shops.