
    Training Railways

In 2004, approximately 1400 railway coaches were still fitted with CFC-12-based air conditioning (AC) units. Each coach carries two units with approximately 20 kW cooling capacity. For new and reconditioned coaches, the Indian Railways switched over to HCFC-22 in the year 2000. Today the Indain Railways consume around 80 tonnes CFC-12 annually for maintenance. The Railways must take the following step to meet CFC phase-out targets:

  • Employ good servicing practices, including recovery, recycling and re-use of reclaimed refrigerant during annual maintenance of AC coaches.

Retrofitting of Under-slung CFC-12 based Air-conditioning Units to HFC-134a

Indian Railways is making proactive efforts to phase-out CFCs by converting the Under-slung CFC-12 based units to HFC-134a. A number of units have already been successfully converted from CFC-12 to HFC-134a by different railways e.g., Northern, Western, South-eastern and Southern Railways. The activity is closely co-ordinated and monitored by Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO) Lucknow. On 17th November 2005 a technical meeting was held at RDSO, Lucknow where, representatives from nominated Railways and Refrigeration Compressor Manufacturers participated. Prof. R. S. Agarwal from IIT, Delhi on behalf of NCCoPP made a presentation on “Good Service Practice and Retrofitting of Under-slung CFC-12 based Units to HFC-134a”. The participants appreciated the technical inputs provided and would incorporate the same during the conversion process.

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