::: Dealers :::

     Dealers How can you Support Phase-out

Dealers, be they spare parts or refrigerants dealers, are the prime point of contact for all Refrigeration Servicing Enterprises (RSEs), to whom they sell their products. They are important link in the network and their support is required to recruit and identify the firms eligible to send technicians for training. Dealers can become an important 'agent for change' by creating awareness among the technicians with regard to the importance of training and ensuring that they participate in the training programmes. They must support the State Organiser/Recruiter in his/her efforts. By supporting NCCoPP and advertising the training programmes dealers can actually increase their own business. Most importantly, they contribute to the protection of the ozone layer.

What you can do ?

a) Access more information on ODS, Montreal Protocol, Alternative Refrigerants.

b) Encourage technicians to register for training

c) Share information regarding phase-out with other stakeholders

d) Participate in Dealers’ meets

e) Make customers aware of ODS and related issues.

f) Promote ozone friendly, CFC-free refrigeration technology

Dealers' Workshop

These workshops offer a common platform for different project partners to exchange ideas and discuss about the impact of CFC on the environment, the characteristics of the alternative refrigerants, the present status of CFC phase-out in India and NCCoPP’s activities

Dealers across state must take the initiative to encourage technicians to join training and support the State Organiser/Recruiter in his/her efforts.

For details about dealers' workshops to be held during 2005-6, click here.

By supporting NCCoPP and advertising the training programmes you can increase the knowledge of your clients, increase your own business and contribute to the protection of the ozone layer.

For details about Training Programme Schedules for technicians, click here.

For more information about registering for the dealers’ meets please click here.

The programmes are held at very little cost to the technicians who contribute 200 rupees when they sign up for training.

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