Dealers Workshops

  Awareness Dealers Workshops
National CFC Consumption Phase-Out Plan (NCCoPP) has important links with industry, both the compressor and equipment manufacturing industry in India. The dealers, be they spare parts or refrigerants dealers, are the prime point of contact for all refrigeration servicing enterprises (RSEs) to whom the dealers sell their companies' products. Dealers support is requested to recruit and identify the firms who will send their technicians for training. The dealers can become an important 'agent for change' pointing out to technicians that they must start using new technologies and learn how to use them properly.

The dealer workshop is a good point of contact, enabling project partners to exchange ideas about recruiting plans with the dealers and to enlist the support of the dealers throughout the States in encouraging technicians to come forward for training.

The programme offered at the meeting with dealers covers presentations on the impact of CFC on the environment, the important differences with the alternative refrigerants, the present status of phase-out in India and what NCCoPP offers. The format of training programmes offered to technicians is outlined as well as other important aspects of the programme.

The dealers meetings are scheduled according to programme development.

Dealers Workshop Schedule (2007–08)
[4-5 hrs Program]
Region State City Date Training Partner
North Haryana Panipat 20-Aug-06 Ananth Enterprises
North Madhya Pradesh Bhopal 20-Sep-06 Divyansh Services
Ranchi 14-Oct-06

Dealers Workshop: Past Events



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