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16 September 2007 Montreal Protocol celebrates its 20th Anniversary.

The 8 th NCCoPP Core Group Meeting on 24 August 2007

The 6th Implementation and Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) Meeting on 21 August 2007

Minutes of 2nd Training Partners Meeting held at IIT, New Delhi on 08March 2006.

Minutes of the 5th Core Group Meeting meeting held at Heritage Village Manesar on 07March 2006.

Minutes of the 3rd Implementation and Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC),
meeting held at Heritage Village Manesar on 06th March 2006.


Minutes of the 2nd Implementation and Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC),
meeting held at SDC Office, New Delhi on 21st September 2005.


Minutes of the 4th Core Group Meeting held at GTZ Office, 21 Jor Bagh, New Delhi
20th September 2005 (alongwith Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting on 19th Sep. 2005).

Conference on Meeting Challenges, in the Phase-out of CFCs from India’s RAC Service Sector, 9th March, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

Ozone day - 2005

The aims of this important conference were to share the experiences of implementing the HIDECOR project and to mark the official launch of NCCoPP. More than 180 delegates took part in the meeting which was inaugurated by The Hon. A.Raja, Minister of Environment and Forests.

Ministers from the German and Swiss Embassies, the Director of the Ozone Cell and representatives from international organisations, from UNDP and UNEP took part in the inaugural session. The meeting was attended by important stakeholders involved in the phase-out of CFC consumption in the RAC service sector.

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