1. General Ozone Depletion
2. Montreal Protocol & Indian Regulations
3. Organisations engaged in ODS/ CFC phase out
4. Refrigerants
5. HC Refrigerants
6. Technical Sites
7. RAC and related associations
8. NCCoPP project related organisations
1. General Ozone Depletion: University of Cambridge (search for ozone, take tour) Nasa Internet resources (search for ozone) National Academics of Science, Washington Green Nature Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) The US Global change Research Information Office(GCRIO) The Ozone Hole Inc. (all you want to know)
2. Montreal Protocol & Indian Regulations:
3. Organisations engaged in ODS/CFC phase out: Greenpeace, Worlwide United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) UNEP Ozone Action United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) World Bank (WB) U.S.EPA Proklima GTZ Ecozone, Netherlands Greenchill, Australia Multisectorial Initiative on Potent Industrial Greenhouse Gases
Top 4. Refrigerants: Dupont - Suva Refrigerans ICI/ INEOS Fluor - Klea & Arcton Refrigerants Solvay - Solkane Refrigerant Alliedsignal - Genetron RefrigerantsTop 5. HC Refrigerants: Elgas Limited, Australia HyChill Australia Pty Ltd, Australia ok Duracool Pty Ltd, Australia
6. Technical Sites: Arctic Fox Leak Detectetors for LPG York International UNSW Library ok Energy Resources Group 1000 Heatpumpcentre Automotive Air Conditioning
7. RAC - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and related associations: Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) Green Business Centre / Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
8. NCCoPP project related organisations: Ozone Cell - MoEF GTZ UNEP UNDP Infras, Switzerland IT Power India Godrej